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Joining Together To Fight Human Trafficking
in Your Community and Around the World

We promote education and empowering survivors through rescue, refuge, and rehabilitation.

Sex and labor trafficking are in your  community. It’s in your power to stop it.

Traffickers steal a person’s past and present. Together, we can create a better future. Rahab’s Daughters is committed to education, outreach, and action. Through your generosity we provide vocational training options, safe houses and prevention and counseling. Thanks to your help we are able to conduct rescue operations and help communities understand that modern day slavery is not just in dark corners of the world- it’s next door. It could be in your family.


Person by person, community by community, we can help communities regain control and survivors regain independence. Working together, we can help them take back their life.

How We Work Together To Change Lives

Prevention and




Stopping human trafficking starts


with understanding its scope, how it


works, and what you can do to stop


it. Our work includes:


  • Teaching people how to recognize the signs of trafficking

  • Understanding the different kinds of slavery 

  • Prevention and empowerment techniques, including self-defense

  • Events

Awareness turns into action. Action turns into power.


Rescue and



Getting out is just the first step. We provide the means to create a safe reintegration into the world so people can decide on their own lives. This includes:

  • Outreach and rescue

  • Shelter and clothing

  • Education and vocational training

  • Creation of a dream plan

Education can’t be taken away. Empowerment is forever.

Discover Ways That You Can Get Involved


See how your generous donations can save lives around the world.

Administrative Work

Working behind the scenes to keep everyone out front.

Field Work

Build trust and take action to help people step out of slavery’s grip.


Become a champion for education and action in your community.

Image by Ian Schneider

Recognize Human Trafficking In Your Community

Anyone can be a victim of modern slavery. Your neighbor could be working against their will. Your loved one could be tricked. You could find yourself trapped. Recognize how sexual and labor traffickers operate to fight against them, help others, and possibly save yourself.

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